Returns specific risk behavior of the address

Returns specific risk behavior of the address, you can find more info here

Sample Request

curl --request GET \
     --url '' \
     --header 'API-KEY: your-api-key' \
     --header 'accept: */*'

Sample Response

  "code": 0,
  "data": [
      "riskName": "Associated with Malicious address",
      "riskType": "Hacker/Heist related",
      "riskLevel": "High",
      "riskDescription": "This address has transacted with malicious addresses, one or more times within one hop",
      "riskReason": [
          "txhash": "0xec20ef1e0196aaa9db0f585002cda7a9f329834cd38c85a25714a6209610ff92",
          "related_addr": "0xb80db67828f44318aacb796c686d30d9d3f81e75",
          "total_value": 55500,
          "type": "Hack transfer"
      "riskName": "Risk entity",
      "riskType": "Entity related",
      "riskLevel": "Medium",
      "riskDescription": "This address seems to be connected to a risk entity",
      "riskReason": [
          "txhash": null,
          "related_addr": "0x93a203cf171d5a6f83da1b84877d06aa0e8f57e1",
          "total_value": 90,
          "type": "Entity involved"
      "riskName": "Mixer indirect transfer ",
      "riskType": "Mixing related",
      "riskLevel": "Medium",
      "riskDescription": "This address has received transfers from mixer user addresses within three hops",
      "riskReason": [
          "txhash": "0xec20ef1e0196aaa9db0f585002cda7a9f329834cd38c85a25714a6209610ff92",
          "related_addr": "0x69a04a0dc5b21bf0612877b460c89446364306c8",
          "total_value": 55500,
          "type": "Mixing transfer indirectly"
  "uuid": 1668204706705182700
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!