JUMP TOAPI ReferencebasicGet supported chainsgetGet credits remaininggetaddressGet address portfolio on all supported chainsgetGet one specific token balance of an addressgetGet all the identity tag of an addressgetGet ENS by address, or get address by ENSgetGet social media info of an addressgetGet token transfers of an addressgetGet transactions of an addressgetGet NFT transactions of an addressgettokenget detail of the tokengetget holders count of the tokengetget transfers of the tokengetget top 1000 holders of the tokengetget volume of the token deposit to cex hourlygetget volume of the token withdraw from cex hourlygetget amount of the token held by cex addressgetprojectget supported projectsgetget detail of the projectgetget tvl of the projectgetget daily active address of the projectgetget daily active entity of the projectgetget daily new address of the projectgetget daily new entity of the projectgetentityget related addressesgetget reasons why 2 addresses are connectedgetdivide addresses into different entitiespostkyeReturns risky score of the addressget(batch) Returns risky scores of a batch of addressespostReturns specific risk behavior of the addressget(batch) Returns specific risk behavior of a batch of addressespostReturns the risk score of other addresses belonging to the same entity as this addressgetDetect possible risk items in the contractgetsocialReturns twitter infos of a project or userget(batch) Returns twitter infos of a project or userpostReturns twitter send count of this project in a certain period of timegettwitter records from official twittergettwitter records from non-official twittergetnftReturns all NFTs we are trackinggetReturns Infos of this nftgetReturns the market Statistics of this NFTgetReturns the floor price on every daygetReturns the volume on every daygetReturns Holders Statistics of this NFTgetReturns Holders Statistics of this NFT at one daygetReturns top Holders of this NFTgetReturns trades of this NFT in a certain period of timegetthe nft profit leader boardgetexchangeReturns the portfolio of the exchange on all chainsgetReturns the inflow/outflow of the exchange in the past 24 hoursgetAppendixAPI credits costList of risk typesPowered by get daily new address of the projectget https://api.0xscope.com/v2/project/newAddressget daily new address of the projectSample Request cURLcurl --request GET \ --url 'https://api.0xscope.com/v2/project/newAddress?project_id=uniswap-v2&chain=ethereum&date=2023-04-23' \ --header 'API-KEY: your-api-key' \ --header 'accept: */*' Sample Response JSON{ "code": 0, "data": 1621, "uuid": 1656864618259546000 }